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Terms and conditions

1-Overview of terms

Here we are discussing some overview of all the terms and conditions of all those services that we are giving you as the facilitator, some terms are essential to discuss to provides you the better services. The purposes of these affiliations are commissions and generate our services for your comfort.

2-Enrollment in the linked programs

When you enroll in a subject you need to follow some certain important steps which will be feasible for you and the future use of our services.

  • You need to complete your account details and it is necessary to complete all of your information should be correct and updated with your account
  • When you will complete your information, you will receive an email notification about the confirmation of your account details.
  • You can access your courses, a welcome email, and login feasibility of login and password details.
  • It is essential in the information that you have to send and added to the account is updated and complete

3-Specific obligations in the affiliate subjects

Some more essential points are important to discuss in the terms and conditions which should a client to know and can avoid any inconvenience.  There are some obligations towards the client in which, you can link our services, you can affiliate with our various referral links. You can maintain your account by updating and the notification that will send you by the admin. You need to comply and follow all the copyrights; it is your responsibility to comply with all the copyrights and other legal laws that are associated with academic links. We will not responsible if you violate copyright law.

4-Admin and affiliation responsibilities

As a member where there is your responsibility to be a good part of our community similarly, there is some responsibility that is important to discuss in terms of facilitator, there are some points which will discuss here and these are

  • We will monitor your site
  • We determine all the policies for referred customers
  • There is no authority to promote the website link although that in the social media link or any other promotion website.


You need to accept all the terms and conditions when you will log in by our link so you need to give us a hereby granted based on the non-exclusive transferable, and revocable right to use also your name and the titles are the same as discussed in the terms.

We both are agreeing on the same conditions of the property and the materials in any manner which are used in the negative perspective.

6-Limitations and liabilities

We are not liable in any term of the subject matter and any kind of affiliation term. All the terms and policies are cleared and detailed discussed here. There are no other terms that are neglected. We will not liable for your negligence any kind of incidents and consequential and damages (including without limitations loss of revenue or any other terms which is linked without business and we have no idea about that).

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