Health Economics (HCM564)


Public Health

Department Health Sciences College
  HCM564 Course Code: Health Economics Course Name
3 hours Contact Hours 3 credit Hours Credit Hours
  English   Arabic Teaching Language
HCM 500 Prerequisite Level 3 Course Level
Course Description:

In this course, students receive practical knowledge about and apply economic theories and principles to understanding healthcare economic issues and problems related to the amount, organization, and distribution of healthcare resources. Students will learn and apply economic principles such as supply and demand, economic theories, resources allocation, competitive markets, market evaluation methods, and cost effectiveness analysis related to making choices about and understanding the consequences of resource scarcity in the healthcare industry.

Course learning outcomes:

1.      Outline the Saudi Arabian healthcare economy challenges for the future, and application to practice.

2.       State Saudi Arabian healthcare economics, theories, models, measures, and tools that influence industry success.

3.      Appraise economic implications of expenditure and cost control.

4.      Analyze economic metrics of evaluating and managing risk and the impact of health insurance.

5.      Evaluate the demand for healthcare and necessary supply of services, workforce, value.

Major Course Topics:
1.      Considering Healthcare Economics
2.      The Traditional Competitive Module
3.      Evaluating and Managing Risk
4.      Demand for Health, Insurance, and Services
5.      Considerations of Demand
6.      Healthcare Supply Competition
7.      The Profit Motive in Healthcare
8.      The Healthcare Workforce
9.      Expatriate Considerations
10.  Equity and Justice
11.  Healthcare Expenditures
12.  Economic Evaluation in Healthcare
13.  Healthcare Systems in Saudi Arabia
14.  Saudi Arabia’s Future Healthcare Challenges, Vision 2030, and Beyond


  Assignments   Quizzes   Mid-Term Exams Grading:
   Lab Work   Project   Final Exam
Lee, R. H. (2019). Economics for healthcare managers (4th ed.). Health Administration Press. ISBN: 9781640550483 Text Book:
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. (2015). Behind the numbers, 2015. Retrieved from


Reference Book (s):

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