Health Law and Ethics (HCM 515)

Public Health Department Health Sciences College
  HCM 515 Course Code: Health Law And Ethics Course Name
3 hours Contact Hours 3 credit Hours Credit Hours
  English   Arabic Teaching Language
HCM 500 Prerequisite Level 2 Course Level
Course Description:

This course explores the legal and ethical challenges inherent in the administration of healthcare services. Topics include governmental regulation of healthcare false claims, fraud and abuse, antitrust compliance and litigation, informed consent, principals and legal basis for hospital governance and healthcare malpractice insurance.

Course learning outcomes:


1.      Describe the structure and development of health law and ethics.

2.      Recognize the impacts of legal and regulatory environments on healthcare organizations.

3.      Compare basic ethical theories and perspectives.

4.      Analyze various health laws and standards that affect health care administrators and managers.

5.      Evaluate ethical principles in the solution of a personal leadership and organizational dilemma or challenge.

Major Course Topics:
1.      Influence of Ethical Principles on Health Law
2.      Structure and Development of Health Law
3.      Governance Structures and Internal Regulation
4.      Healthcare Organizations
5.      Governmental Regulation in Public Healthcare
6.      Private Healthcare
7.      Standards and Regulations for Healthcare Administrators
8.      Fraud and Abuse
9.      Ethical Implications of Medical Privacy
10.  Legal and Ethical Obligations to Provide Care
11.  Tort Law and Medical Malpractice
12.  Informed Consent and Research
13.  Legal and Ethical Challenges of Cost Containment and Healthcare Reform
14.  Future of Health Law
  Assignments   Quizzes   Mid-Term Exams Grading:
   Lab Work   Project   Final Exam
1. List Required Textbooks

Pinto, A. D., & Upshur, R. E. (2013). An Introduction to Global Health Ethics. Routledge (1st ed). ISBN: 9780415681834

Text Book:
2. List Essential References Materials (Journals, Reports, etc.)

Alkabba, A. F., Hussein, G. M. A., Albar, A. A., Bahnassy, A. A., &Qadi, M. (2012). The major medical ethical challenges facing the public and healthcare providers in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Family and Community Medicine19(1), 1-6. Retrieved from;year=2012;volume=19;issue=1;spage=1;epage=6;aulast=Alkabba

Reference Book (s):

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