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Healthcare Administration (HCM 501)


Public Health

Department Health Sciences College
  HCM501 Course Code: Healthcare administration Course Name
3 hours Contact Hours 3 credit Hours Credit Hours
  English   Arabic Teaching Language
None Prerequisite Level 1 Course Level
Course Description:

This course provides a foundation in Health care Administration. It will give an introduction to the principles of management and leadership as the foundations for the administration of health care products and service delivery. The evolution of management principles and practices are traced and the bases for health care administration are analyzed. The course will emphasis on the management of global health care systems in technological societies and the need for innovation and creativity in health care administration. The student will learn the roles of a manager in healthcare organizations, models and styles of leadership, theories of motivation and motivational strategies, strategic planning, outcome monitoring and control, healthcare marketing, quality improvement basics, financing healthcare, managing healthcare professionals and human resources, team work, and fraud and abuse of the healthcare system.


Course learning outcomes:

1.      Describe the leadership abilities and groups & team building skills in healthcare administration

2.      Recognize the different approaches and management which transforming the healthcare administration landscape in Saudi Arabia

3.      Illustrate the role of effective communication practices and key functions of human resources in healthcare administration

4.      Explain various problem arising in healthcare field related to change, innovation, marketing and consumerism in Saudi Arabia

5.      Evaluate strategic assessment & planning and its effectiveness & efficiency in Saudi Arabian healthcare organizations

Major Course Topics:


1.      Essential Components of the Healthcare Industry in Saudi Arabia
2.      Healthcare Organization Structures in Saudi Arabia
3.      Healthcare Organization Departments, Groups & Teams
4.      Corporate Culture in Saudi Arabia
5.      Corporate and Regulatory Internal Compliance for Facilities
6.      Leadership & Management
7.      Marketing & Consumerism in Saudi Arabia
8.      Human Resources
9.      Strategic Assessment and Planning in Saudi Arabia
10.  Productivity, Prioritization and Problem Solving in Saudi Arabia
11. Goal Setting, Clarity and Communication in Saudi Arabian Healthcare Organizations
12.  Change, Motivation and Innovation
13. Effectiveness and Efficiency in Saudi Arabian Healthcare Organizations
14.  Managing the Evolution of Healthcare in Saudi Arabia
  Assignments   Quizzes   Mid-Term Exams Grading:
   Lab Work   Project   Final Exam
Olden, P. (2019) Principles of Healthcare Administration (3ed Edition) Health Administration Press. ISBN: 9781640550438 Text Book:

Buchbinder SB, Nancy H. Shanks & Buchbunder D (2013) Cases in Health Care Management Jones & Bartlett Learning


Reference Book (s):

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