Healthcare Information Systems (HCM 570)


Public Health

Department Health Sciences College
  HCM 570 Course Code: Healthcare Information Systems Course Name
3 hours Contact Hours 3 credit Hours Credit Hours
  English   Arabic Teaching Language
HCM 500 Prerequisite Level 4 Course Level
Course Description:

This course is designed to introduce students to the core knowledge and skills needed to oversee information technology in a healthcare environment. This includes how to identify and solve organizational problems affecting the design, implementation, and use of health information management systems throughout the enterprise. In this course, you will gain knowledge on how healthcare administrators can lead, manage, develop, and motivate staff toward meeting changing needs. We’ll discuss the functions and interoperability of various systems including regulatory requirements, and how to assure the confidentiality of patient information and recent trends in the changing healthcare landscape.

Course learning outcomes:

1.Define the role, responsibilities, and challenges of leadership in healthcare information systems objectives, planning, and implementation.

2. Use software applications designed for healthcare personnel management, electronic medical records, automated patient scheduling, automated prescription generation, and other healthcare clinical functions.

3.Compare an information system, a healthcare information system and a departmental information system.

4.  Evaluate the importance of system interoperability and standards based approaches.


Major Course Topics:
1.      The Health Information Technology Landscape and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
2.      Scope, Definition, and Conceptual Model of Health Information Systems
3.      Aligning Health Information Systems in the Dynamic Healthcare Environment
4.      Health Information Systems Strategic Planning
5.      Healthcare Information Systems Tactical Planning and Acquisition in KSA
6.      Application Systems and Technology in KSA
7.      Healthcare Information Systems Management and Technology Services in KSA
8.      Midterm Examination
9.      Adopting New Technologies in KSA
10.  Data Influences on Technology and Patient Outcomes
11.  Analytics, Business Intelligence, and Clinical Intelligence
12.  Health Information Systems and Digital Health in KSA
13.  Health Information Systems Around the Globe
14.  Future Health Information Systems: Key Issues and Opportunities in KSA
  Assignments   Quizzes   Mid-Term Exams Grading:
   Lab Work   Project   Final Exam
Balgrosky, J. A. (2020). Understanding health information systems for the health professions: Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN: 978-284148626 Text Book:

Hook, J. M., Snow, J., Grant, E., Samarth, A. (2010). Health information technology and health information exchange implementation in rural and underserved areas.

Retrievedfrom (2012). National health information exchange and interoperability landscape.


Reference Book (s):

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