Master of Medical and Health Professions Education


Program Description

The program will be provided to the candidates who are involved in the activities of teaching, learning and assessment of any medical or health profession education. The program will enhance the essential skills necessary for the faculty members in their actual academic activities. The program will be provided by 11 core and two elective (optional/selective) courses or modules over two years or four semesters. Extra two semesters will be given for who could not complete the requirements within four semesters.

  1. Program Identification and General Information:

Program Title: Master of Medical and Health Professions’ Education Program

Total Credit Hours Needed for Completion of the Program: Two years (four Semesters). 36 credit hours including the research project

Award Granted on Completion of the Program: Master’s in Medical and Health Professions’ Education Program

Major tracks/pathways or specializations within the program: One Track

Potential Professional Occupations:

  • Academic Teachers in all health specialties
  • Staff development specialist in clinical setting
  • Program designer in training and rehabilitation centres
  • Different health professions programs in any teaching hospitals
  • Others involved in teaching/learning health professions programs
  1. Program Context:

Rationale for the Program:

The skills of the Health Professions Education are important and mandatory for any training faculty members working in training and teaching students of any medical or/ and any health professions colleges such as pharmacy, dentistry, emergency medicine, nursing and other Applied Medical Sciences (Physiotherapy, Optometry, X-ray and others). These skills include curriculum development, teaching and learning, assessment, leadership and research proposal development and supervision research projects. Also, very specific skills to acquire by the faculty like teaching with simulation, leadership and participation in the accreditation and quality improvement of the programs. Also, as per the 5th goal of the 2030 Vision, which emphasizes the promotion of community health through increasing health programs, health care providers should be equipped with the necessary skills to develop, implement, and conduct a teaching session.

Program Goals:

  • The goals of the program are to prepare the participants to master the skills of curriculum development, teaching and learning, assessment, leadership and research proposal development and supervision of the research projects. Also, to acquire the skills of teaching with simulation, leadership and participation in the accreditation and quality improvement of the programs.

Program Objectives:

  • To cultivate an environment of collaboration, excellence and creativity for learning and professional development of the graduate
  • To provide the graduate with leadership skills needed in education and profession
  • To advance excellence in teaching and research to support candidate success
  • To provide graduates with sufficient learning resources and technologies to facilitate acquiring knowledge, skills, and values in an ethical manner
  • To prepare graduates with a quality education that affords them the opportunity to achieve career development

Program Learning Outcomes:

  • Apply the concepts and principles of learning theories in medical and health professions education to their learning and teaching activities
  • Utilize contextually appropriate learning and teaching methods, complying with the modern understanding of human learning and supported by the modern trends of learning including e-learning, student-centered learning, authentic learning and social learning.
  • Plan, develop, implement and evaluate assessments that comply with the modern concepts of assessment and the principles of basic psychometrics.
  • Develop and evaluate curricula based on firm theoretical foundations that promote optimal achievement of learning outcomes by the learners.
  • Apply the basic concepts and standards of quality assurance to an educational program of their own, with an understanding of the importance of educational leadership in achieving educational quality.
  • Manage information and technology to enhance the teaching, learning and assessment methodology.
  • Apply concepts of leadership, management, and quality improvement in the developing and designing of the educational program.

Program Administrator: Dr. Salah Al-Shagrawi



  • Year 1
Year 1 Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Semester 1 MEM 500 Introduction to Medical Education 3
MEM 501 Teaching and Learning-1 3
MEM 502 Assessment-1 3
Total Credit Hours 9


Year 1 Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Semester 2 MEM 503 Teaching and Learning-2 3 MEM 501
MEM 504 Assessment-2 3 MEM 502
MEM 505 Curriculum Development 3 MEM 501 MEM503
Total Credit Hours 9


  • Year 2
Year 2 Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Semester 1 MEM 506 Technology & Innovation in Education 3
MEM 507 Leadership in Health Profession Education 3
MEM 508 Simulation 3 MEM505
Total Credit Hours 9


Year 2 Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Pre-requisites Co-requisites


Semester 2

MEM 509 Accreditation & Quality Improvement 3
MEM 510 Inter-Professional Education in the Health Professions 3 MEM501


MEM 511 Medical Education Research Project 3
Total Credit Hours 9


Course Descriptions

MEM 500 Introduction to Medical Education:

This course provides a broad overview of medical and health professions education at micro and macro levels. An introduction to the definitions, concepts related to learning and contemporary trends and challenges in medical and health professions education are considered. The course will examine the historical evolution and current state of health professions education. The learners are required to project the implications of these concepts and evolutionary patterns to their own practice.

MEM 501 Teaching and Learning-1:

This course covers the most commonly used methods of teaching and learning both in the classroom and in the clinical/community settings. The principles and the evidence-based best practices in the implementation of these methods are discussed, when introducing these methods. Additionally, the learners are provided with opportunities to apply these principles and best practices when developing lesson plans for small and large group learning. It is designs to assist the student in the understanding and application of the foundations and methods of teaching and learning process

MEM 502 Assessment-1:

This course introduces the basic principles of assessment at ‘knows’, ‘knows how’ and ‘shows how’ levels of the Miller’s pyramid. It provides hands-on opportunities for the learner to develop the assessment tools at these levels. The course aims to assist students in developing a knowledge base of what teachers should know and be able to do in relation to educational assessment.

MEM 503 Teaching and Learning-2:

This course will conduct an application of teaching-learning strategies. Experience in clinical and classroom settings promotes the opportunity for development and increased skills in the total teaching-learning process. An analytical approach to teaching effectiveness is emphasized. The graduate students will practice teaching using a variety of instructional procedures, materials, and technologies.  Students will apply classroom management strategies this will lead to practice in planning and teaching a microteaching situation with peers in classroom settings. This course delves into these imperatives so that the learner will be better placed to take on the challenging task of teaching in the workplace settings.

MEM 504 Assessment-2:

This course provides an examination of the uses of assessment practices and strategies to improve student learning. Special emphasis will be placed on standardized tests. The characteristics and uses of both formal and informal assessment instruments and procedures and the formative assessment principles and practices for effective standards-based instruction. Students will also learn how to design, administer, and interpret a variety of assessment measures

MEM 505 Curriculum Development:

This course takes the learner through the process of gaining the necessary competencies in developing and evaluating a curriculum It is designs to assist the student in the understanding and application of the foundations and methods of curriculum development.

MEM 506 Technology & Innovation in Education:

This course provides an overview of the field of educational technology. The course aims to provide students with an understanding of the role various forms of electronic and digital technology in the teaching/learning process and to engage these processes, as well as developing further competencies in the area of teaching. This course tackles topics, like problem-based learning, interprofessional teaching, technology-assisted strategies, advanced clinical teaching, and evaluation of learning experiences, to achieve its objectives. The course places emphasis on online course designing, teaching strategies, and their use to achieve the intended learning outcomes.

MEM 507 Leadership in Health Profession Education:

This course aims at preparing health professions educators to build their skills as leaders in educating future health professionals and contribute to the improved scholarship of teaching and learning in health profession education. The course focus on the important understanding of the various leadership topics necessary as what it means to be a good leader,  understanding leadership; leadership traits; philosophy and styles; of  developing leadership skills; ethics in leadership and overcoming obstacles. Students will assess their leadership traits and skills to support and sustain curriculum reform in the health education setting.

MEM 508 Simulation:

This course combines evidence-based medicine with technologically advanced simulation education techniques. The course content focus on the evidence base and practical provision of simulation based medical education as a learning tool designed to develop knowledge, skills, and experience in order to improve outcomes & patient safety. It will equip the graduate with a critical understanding of how simulation can be deployed to enhance teaching, learning and assessment in the field of healthcare.


MEM 509 Accreditation & Quality Improvement:

This course aims to familiarize students with the concept of quality and quality improvement across healthcare. This course focuses on the history and evolution of quality, its terms, principles, theories, and practices. The course will also cover quality assessment and improvement, providing a basis for developing skills in fulfilling accreditation requirements. The course outlines the cornerstones of quality improvement and the accreditation bodies, its standards, and criteria

MEM 510 Inter-Professional Education in the Health Professions:

This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge of interprofessional education within the health care professions. The purpose of the course is to introduce concepts in interprofessional education to health profession students for collaborative health care. The course discusses the theoretical background of interprofessional education and explores learning experiences that provide knowledge and understanding of each profession’s contribution to health care.

MEM 511 Medical Education Research Project:

This course brings to the learner a common understanding of both the generic features of research and the unique features that define medical and health professions education research. The learner will receive hands on experience in planning and conducting medical and health professions education research drawing from quantitative, qualitative and mixed method research paradigms

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