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SEU Project Management ( MGT323 )



College of Administrative & Financial






 Course Name Project



Course Code:



Credit Hours 3 Credit Hours Contact Hours 3
Language Arabic   English
Track College Req.  Dep. Req. Concentration
Level Level 6 Prerequisite MGT311
 Course Description:

 This course surveys the theory and practice of project management in the context of technical and human resource constraints. Students learn to apply the knowledge, skills, tools and techniques for project activities necessary to meet project requirements. Software is used for the development and execution of project plans. Taking a systematic approach, the course follows the main process areas in a project’s life cycle, including approaches prescribed by PMI’s

Project Management Body of Knowledge.

 Course Learning Outcomes:

 1.     Demonstrate a deep understanding of project management concepts and theories as well as approaches to project management.

2.     Demonstrate an understanding of the project planning process.


3.   Demonstrate an understanding of project budgeting and cost control in project management.

4.    Demonstrate a thorough understanding of project scheduling as well as Network Scheduling Techniques and Graphics in Project Management.

5.    Ability to explain project execution.

6.    Demonstrate ability to monitor and control the project.

7.    Demonstrate ability to work with others effectively as a team member in project management, related to case studies or new themes.

8.    The ability to write a coherent report on project management case studies.

 Course Major Topics:

 1.        Project management growth: concepts and definitions

2.        Organizational structures

3.        Organizing and staffing the project office and team

4.        Managing time, stress and conflicts

5.        Project planning

6.        Network scheduling techniques

7.        Project graphics

8.        Pricing and estimating

9.        Cost control

10.     Contract management

11.     Trade-off analysis in a project environment

12.     Modern developments project management

13.     Quality management


 Learning Resources

 ·         Textbook

Harold R. Kerzner. Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling. Wiley; 11 edition (February 18, 2013). ISBN-13: 978-1118022276


 Course works (assignments, quizzes, projects, case studies, board discussion):             25%

Midterm exam                                                                                                                                25%

Final Exam                                                                                                                                      50%

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