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Healthcare Policy Analysis and Development (HCM 550)


Public Health

Department Health Sciences College
  HCM550 Course Code: Healthcare Policy Analysis and Development Course Name
3 hours Contact Hours 3 credit Hours Credit Hours
  English   Arabic Teaching Language
HCM 500


Prerequisite Level 3 Course Level
Course Description:

This course introduces and examines methods for assuring quality in policy, process, and outcome management, as well as the significance and statistical application of measuring outcomes. The healthcare policies and changing trends are identified and analyzed.

Course learning outcomes:

1. Define the important concepts, theories, laws, literature that impact public opinion and policy within the healthcare environment.

2. Outline the health policy process at both the state and national levels in areas associated with research, funding, and delivery.

3. Analyze the healthcare policy and politics in the United States, Canada, and the European Union.

4. Evaluate  the political dimensions of an area of national healthcare policy and project its impact over the next five years.

Major Course Topics:


1.      Understanding Global Health Policy
2.      Contemporary Global Health Governance: Origins, Functions and Challenges
3.      Measuring the World’s Health
4.      Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Health Policy
5.      Politics of Global Health Policy
6.      Ethical Reflections and Economic Perspectives
7.      Policy Responses to Neglected Diseases and Essential Health Commodities
8.      Social Determinants of Health
9.      Pros and Cons of Securitizing Global Health
10.  The Changing Humanitarian Sector
11.  Understanding Vision 2030, Global Financing, and Social Determinants of Health
12.  Health Systems and Delivery in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
13.  Global Health Partnerships
14.  Future Trends in KSA Healthcare in contrast with Globalization Efforts
  Assignments   Quizzes   Mid-Term Exams Grading:
   Lab Work   Project   Final Exam
Blank, R., Burau, V., & Kuhlmann, E. (Eds.). (2017). Comparative health policy (5th ed.). Palgrave. ISBN: 9781137544957 Text Book:
Rochefort, D. A. (2014). The rhetoric of “crisis” and implementing the Affordable Care Act. Harvard Health Policy Review, 16(1), 5-10.

Thieme Sanford, S. (2014). Mind the gap: Basic health along the ACA’s coverage continuum. Journal of Health Care Law & Policy, 17(1), 101-127.

Reference Book (s):

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