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Public Health (HCM 574)


Public Health

Department Health Sciences College
  HCM 574 Course Code:  Public Health Course Name
3 hours Contact Hours 3 credit Hours Credit Hours
  English   Arabic Teaching Language
None Prerequisite Level 2 Course Level
Course Description:

This course introduces the concepts of public health from the context of population health management. Students learn what public health is, and how it works with a focus on populations and strategies that can be applied towards preventing disease and promoting health. The historical background of public health is considered including a review of tools used to assess the health status of communities including epidemiology and vital statistics. Etiology and control of infectious disease are also examined.

Course learning outcomes:

1.      Describe philosophy, history and different concepts of public health.

2.      Recognize the role of epidemiology and determinants of health in prevention and control of disease.

3.      Analyze standardized measurements of population health status and the use of technology for surveillance.

4.      Assess measurements of public health performance which used in evaluating the quality of healthcare

5.      Evaluate the tools needed to manage the public health practices and public health departments effectively.

Major Course Topics:
1.      The History of Public Health
2.      Population Health and Public Data
3.      The Need for Public Health Infrastructure
4.      Organization of Public Health Systems
5.      Public Health in Saudi Arabia
6.      Epidemiology
7.      Determinants
8.      Control of Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases
9.      Public Health Workers in Saudi Arabia
10.  Environmental Health in Saudi Arabia
11.  Saudi Arabian Occupational Health
12.  Emergency Situations in Saudi Arabia
13.  Public Health Issues in Developing Countries
14.  Global Concerns and Shared Responsibility
  Assignments   Quizzes   Mid-Term Exams Grading:
   Lab Work   Project   Final Exam
-Riegleman, R., & Kirkwood, B. (2019). Public Health 101: Healthy People – Healthy Populations, (3ed ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN: 9781284118445, 1284118444

-Skolnik, R. (2020). Global Health 101, (2rd ed). Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN: 9781284145380, 1284145387

Text Book:
Ortmann, L. W., Barrett, D. H., Saenz, C., Bernheim, R. G., Dawson, A., Valentine, J. A., & Reis, A. (2016). Public health ethics: global cases, practice, and context. In Public Health Ethics: Cases Spanning the Globe (pp. 3-35). Springer International Publishing

Frieden, T. R. (2015). The future of public health. New England Journal of Medicine, 373(18), 1748-1754.

Reference Book (s):

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