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  • reinforce the value of team work and the ability of reaching collective



1.Program title: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) – Major in Accounting

2.     Total credit hours needed for completion of the program:

130.0 Credit Hours

3.     Award granted on completion of the program:

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) – Major in Accounting

4.     Professional occupations

The program of Accounting Qualifies graduates who are capable of operating in various accounting functions in the public and private sectors including but not limited to:

  • Accountant, Assistant Accountant and Junior Staff Accountants
  • Controllers, and Cost Accountants
  • Zakat, taxation, payroll, and pension Accountants and Related Clerks
  • Accounts
  • Auditor an Assistant Auditor,
  • Chartered Accountant
  • Auditor
  • Budget Researcher, budget Researcher Assistant, budget
  • Pension auditor, pensions investigator
  • Further career opportunities exist in Senior Management positions for those graduates obtaining professional accounting certificates, such as CPA, CMA, CIA…etc.

5.   Name of program coordinator or chair:

Dr Khaled F. Alfahad- Head of the Accounting Department E-mail: kalfahad@seu.edu.sa


1.   Rationales of the program:

The rationales for the proposed Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) – Major in Accounting are the following:

  1. Importance of the accounting functions in business
  2. The constant need for accountants in the labor
  3. The country’s need for qualified nationals in
  4. The ever increasing need for legal reviews and adjust the accounting
  5. Growing responsibilities of the accounting function in business
  6. The interest of large segments among University students in the Kingdom in accounting programs.

2.   Relevance of the program to the mission and goals of the institution:

This program will highly contribute with the rest of the programs at the college, to provide qualified human resources needed to promote and gear the national economy to be among the world’s leading economies using the online teaching, which is the main purpose of the Saudi Electronic University.

3.   Relationship to other programs:

  1. Courses required from other programs
    • English Skills
    • Computer skills
    • Communication Skills
    • Introduction to Mathematics
    • Islamic Courses

b.   Courses provided to other programs

  • Principles of Management

4.   Specific enrolment requirements: (IT skills, Language…):

  • Fluent level of English language


1.   Program Mission:

To graduate highly qualified and competent accountants for successful careers in the private and public sectors by offering self-centered learning supported by high quality online interactive teaching and encouraging entrepreneurship spirit and participation in engagement opportunities.

2.   Program goals and objectives:

The program Bachelor of Sciences in Accounting, aims to prepare graduates and develop their skills and abilities to keep pace with the needs of the labor market in both public and private organizations. The main goals of the program are:

  1. Contribute in the development of the accountant profession;
  2. An effective use of the learning technologies to achieve the learning outcomes of the program;
  3. Satisfy the needs of market labor to qualified human resources in the field of accounting and legal auditors;
  4. A high involvement of practitioners and experts from different business and non- business organizations in the process of learning;
  5. Contribute in the development of best-in-class methods of teaching and learning in the field of accounting;
  6. Assure a high compliance of the targeted learning outcomes to the market labor required skills;
  7. Promote the sense of ethics and social responsibility within Saudi business and governmental
  8. Fulfill the   requirements    of    accreditation   bodies    nationally    (NCAAA) and internationally.

3 – Program learning outcomes

 Up on completion of the program, students will be able to:

1 Knowledge


Describe refined financial accounting topics such as business combinations, governmental accounting, partnership accounting and other advanced financial accounting topics (e.g., accounting for: leases, deferred income taxes, pensions, investments, long-term liabilities and earnings per share).
1.2 Explore of International Accounting standards and the impact of global issues.
1.3 Acquire the knowledge of auditing principles and its techniques.
1.4 Identify the role of the accounting profession in society, experience in community service and participation in the accounting society.
2 Cognitive Skills
2.1 Analyze accounting case studies to gain an understanding of the opportunities and challenges brought by large financial and non-financial data set.


Use and evaluate analytics techniques to interpret accounting data, analyze business environments, and develop solutions for authentic (real world) problems in accounting processes.
2.3 Identify and synthesize useful sources of financial and non-financial data that help accountants’ decision-making.


Develop and hone the students’ talents for selecting appropriate accounting procedures when faced with a variety of accounting challenges both virtual and real.
3 Interpersonal Skills & Responsibility
3.1 Develop the students’ abilities in quantitative methods in order for them to make appropriate and well thought out accounting decisions.
3.2 Demonstrate the group activities which are most effective as they helps the student in explaining, discussing and defending their own ideas.
3.3 Describe on ethical behavior while working on activity sheets, Individual counseling on subject matter when they find difficulties in the subject
3.4 Facilitate to work as a team member and recognizing the benefits of collaborative behaviors in the accomplishment of group tasks.
4 Communication, Information Technology, Numerical
4.1 Interpret and effectively communicate the findings of accounting analytics to both specialists and non-specialists.
4.2 Develop communication skills through presentations, using tools such as PowerPoint and spreadsheets.
4.3 Achieve    effective   communication    through    the   management    of    panel


5.3 Achieve    effective   communication    through    the   management    of    panel discussions.



1.     Program Structure by kind of requirements: University requirements: 34 Credit Hours


Course Code


Course Name


Credit Hours



ENG001 English Skills  


ENG001 English Skills (Continued)
CS001 Computer Essentials 3
COMM001 Communication Skills 2
CI001 Academic Skills 2
MATH001 Fundamentals of Math 3
ISLM101 Intro to Islamic culture 2


ISLM102 Professional Conduct & Ethics

in Islam

ISLM103 Islamic Economic System 2 ISLM101
ISLM104 Social System and Human


2 ISLM102
Total 34

 College Requirements: 57 credits:

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisites
ACCT101 Principles of Accounting 3  



First year

MGT101 Principles of Management 3
STAT101 Statistics 3
ECON101 Microeconomics 3
LAW101 Legal Environment of Business 3
E-COM201 Introduction to e-Management 3 MGT101
ACCT301 Cost accounting 3 ACCT101
MGT322 Logistics Management 3 MGT101
FIN101 Principles of Finance 3 ACCT101
MGT311 Intro to Operations Management 3 MGT101 +STAT101
MGT321 Intro to International Business 3
MGT201 Marketing Management 3 MGT101
MGT301 Organizational Behaviour 3 MGT211
MGT 401 Strategic Management 3 MGT201+ FIN101
STAT201 Quantitative Methods 3 STAT101


ECON201 Macroeconomics 3
MGT211 H.R Management 3 MGT101
E-COM101 e-Commerce 3
MIS201 Management of Information systems 3 MGT101
Total 57

Department Requirements: 30 credits

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequisites
ACCT201 Financial Accounting 3 ACCT101
ACCT302 Advanced Financial Accounting 3 ACCT201
ACCT422 Tax and zakat Accounting 3 ACCT201
ACCT402 Introduction to Accounting Information Systems 3 ACCT101+ MIS201
ACCT401 Auditing Principles & Procedures 3 ACCT302
ACCT403 Accounting Research and Practice 3
ACCT322 Managerial accounting 3 ACCT301
LAW401 Companies law 3 LAW101
ACCT430 Internship 6 Complete 90 Credit hours
Total 30


To satisfy the different preferences of student and comply with accreditation requirements, the accounting program gives students the opportunity to choose the micro field of specialization. So, the student chooses one concentration among the following:

Accounting Concentration: 



Course Name Credit


ACCT405 Accounting of financial institutions 3 ACCT201
ACCT321 Government and Non-Profit Accounting 3 ACCT 201
ACCT424 Insurance accounting 3 ACCT201
Total 9

Finance Concentration:

Course Code  

Course Name

Credit Hours  


FIN201 Corporate Finance 3 FIN101
FIN402 Financial Institutions and Markets 3 FIN101
FIN401 Banks Management 3 FIN101
Total 9

E-Commerce Concentration


Course Code


Course Name

Credit Hours  


IT404 Web Design 3
E-COM421 e-Business Strategies and business models 3 MGT 401
E-COM301 E- Marketing 3 MGT 201
Total 9

Business Administration Concentration

Course Code  

Course Name

Credit Hours  


MGT312 Decision Making and Problems Solving 3 MGT101
MGT323 Project Management 3 MGT311
MGT402 Entrepreneurship and small business 3 MGT101
Total 9

 These concentrations could be changed after maybe four semesters according to the market labor requirements and trends.

2 – Program Structure by years

 Year 1

Semester Course



Course Title





Semester 1

ENG001 English Skills 8
CS001 Computer Essentials 3
COMM001 Communication Skills 2
Total 13




Course Code  

Course Title

Credit Hours  




Semester 2

ENG001 English Skills (Continued) 8
MATH001 Fundamentals of Math 3
CI001 Academic Skills 2
Total 13

Year 2



Course Code  


Course Title

Credit Hours  





Semester 3

ECON101 Micro economics 3  







First year

MGT101 Principles of Management 3
STAT101 Statistics 3
LAW101 Legal Environment of Business 3
ACCT101 Principles of Accounting 3
ISLM101 Intro to Islamic culture 2
Total 17




Course Code  


Course Title

Credit Hours  






Semester 4

FIN101 Principles of Finance 3 ACCT101
MGT201 Marketing Management 3 MGT101
STAT201 Quantitative Methods 3 STAT101
MGT211 H.R Management 3 MGT101
E-COM101 E-Commerce 3
ISLM102 Professional Conduct & Ethics

in Islam

Total 17

Year 3

Semester Course Code  


Course Title

Credit Hours Pre- requisites





Semester 5

ECON201 Macroeconomics 3
MIS201 Management of Information


3 MGT101
E-COM201 Introduction to e-Management 3 MGT101
MGT301 Organizational Behaviour 3 MGT211
MGT311 Intro to Operations Management 3 MGT101 +


ACCT201 Financial Accounting 3 ACCT101
Total 18




Course Code  

Course Title

Credit Hours Pre- requisites






Semester 6

ACCT301 Cost accounting 3 ACCT101
MGT321 Intro to International Business 3
MGT322 Logistics Management 3 MGT101
ACCT302 Advanced Financial


3 ACCT201
Concentration 3
ISLM103 Islamic Economic System 2 ISLM101
Total 17

Year 4



Course Code  


Course Title

Credit Hours Pre-requisites





Semester 7

ACCT401 Auditing Principles & Procedures 3 ACCT302
MGT 401 Strategic management 3 MGT201+ Fin101


Introduction to Accounting Information Systems  


ACCT101+ MIS201
Concentration 3
ACCT403 Accounting Research and Practice 3
ISLM104 Social System and Human Rights 2 ISLM102
Total 17




Course Code  

Course Title

Credit Hours Pre-requisites





Semester 8

LAW401 Companies law 3 LAW101
ACCT422 Tax and zakat Accounting 3 ACCT201
Concentration 3
ACCT430 Internship 6 Complete 90

Credit hours

ACCT322 Managerial accounting 3 ACCT301
Total 18


  1. Field Experience (internship, cooperative program….):
  1. Brief description

The internship provides students with an opportunity to receive academic credit for supervised professional training and experience in an actual work environment. This Internship is an ongoing seminar between the student, the faculty member and the employment supervisor. It involves an Internship Application and Learning Agreement, periodic meetings with the faculty representative, professional experience at a level equivalent to other senior-level courses and submission of material as established in the Internship Application and Learning Agreement. Participation cannot be guaranteed for all applicants.

b.   Semester:

Semester 8 (10 weeks)

c.   Time allocation and scheduling arrangement

One semester after completing 95 credit hours of the study plan

d.   Number of credit hours

06 credit Hours

e.   Intended learning outcomes

  1. Apply academic learning to workplace
  2. Practice and develop professional skills, such as oral, written, and interpersonal communications,
  3. Use the technology and analytical tools and work in teams that will improve performance in subsequent courses and in future work assignments .
  4. Examine one’s own attitudes toward work and toward the field of Accounting and to consider which aspects of accounting best match one’s own.

f.  Assessment procedures:

At the end of the internship period, the student will be evaluated as follows:

  • 40 % for internship activities (assigned by the on-training supervisor)
  • 30 % for the apprehension and the assiduity of the student (assigned by the academic supervisor)
  • 30 % for the substance and the style of the training report (assigned by the department)

5.     Admission Requirements for the program:

  • Meet the university admission requirements
  • To pass the requirement of the First year

6.   Attendance and Completion Requirements:

To be graduated from the program and got the bachelor of sciences certificate students should accomplish all the 130 credit hours including the internship course.

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