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SEU Communications Management ( MGT421 )



College of Administrative & Financial










Course Name Course Code: MGT421
Credit Hours 3 Credit Hours Contact Hours 3
Language Arabic   English
College Req. Dep. Req. Concentration
Level Level 4 Prerequisite MGT101
 Course Description:

 Employers are demanding business school student with strong communication skills. Covers the theory and process of communication in today’s knowledge and information intensive organizations. Develops oral and written communication skills, including professional presentations. Focuses on the role of interpersonal and team-based communication in building

more effective business relationships.

 Course learning outcomes:

1.        Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the communication architecture for professional success and a process for management writing. (Lo 1.2), (Lo 1.6)

2.        Identify sentence and paragraph level language needed to convey a business voice in management writing (Lo 1.3)

3.        Apply techniques to lead and participate in collaborative and individual management writing. (Lo 2.3)


4.       Understand the concepts of listening and how listening technology can improve communication performance in business context (Lo 1.5)               (Lo.4.3)

5.       Create an ethic of care in business correspondence, and identify the parts of a business letter, its types and their function. (Lo 2.10) (Lo 1.9)

6.       Describe appropriate writing format for business letters using in-house communication principles. (Lo 4.5)

7.       Demonstrate the importance of visual aids, its various types and how they are used in business correspondence appropriate for specific audiences. (Lo 2.4) (Lo 3.2) (Lo 4.6)

8.       Exhibit knowledge of fundamental theories in business career communications and how career writing can improve skills for career Search, Resumes and Follow Ups Communication. (Lo 1.1) (Lo 4.4)

9.       Describe behavior-based structured interviewing and using technique to assess candidates (e.g., using structured interviews, technique implementation for job analysis and job description). (Lo 3.5) (Lo 2.2)

10.   Understand ethical and legal considerations in communications management and recognize ethical challenges facing by the communications professionals (Lo 3.3) (Lo 3.8)

 Course Major Topics:

 1.          Communication Architecture for Professional Success.

2.        Process, Individual and Collaborative Styles for Management Writing.

3.        Oral Presentations and Listening.

4.        Formats and Techniques for Business Letters.

5.        Persuasive Messages, Effective Memos and E-mail.

6.        Short and Long Reports.

7.        Proposals and Business Plans.


8.      Graphic Aids for Documents and Presentations.

9.      Career Communication.

10.  The Career Search, Resumes, and Follow-up Communications.

11.  Guidelines for Interviewees and Interviewers.

12.  Managing Meetings and Telephone Work.

13.  Ethics and Law for Communications Management.

14.  Gender Communication.

 Learning Resources

 ·         Textbook

Arthur H. Bell, Dayle M. Smith: Management Communication, Wiley; 3 edition (January 7, 2010). ISBN-13: 978-0470084458


 Course works (assignments, quizzes, projects, case studies, board discussion):             25%

Midterm exam                                                                                                                                25%

Final Exam                                                                                                                                      50%

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