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SEU Entrepreneurship and Small Business ( MGT402 )



College of Administrative & Financial







and Small Business

Course Name Course Code: MGT402
Credit Hours 3 Credit Hours Contact Hours 3
Language Arabic   English
Track College Req. Dep. Req. Concentration
Level Level 7 Prerequisite MGT 101
 Course Description:

 This course helps students develop skills necessary to start and operate a business. Students will develop an awareness of the opportunities for business ownership and develop the planning skills needed to start and grow a business. Students will explore the traits and characteristics of successful entrepreneurs and develop necessary skills in research, planning, operations, and regulations affecting business. The capstone event for this course is the development and presentation of a formal business plan suitable for submission to potential backers.

 Course Learning Outcomes:

 1.    Demonstrate a solid understanding of the potential of entrepreneur in today’s competitive business world.(Lo 1.2).


2.       Understand the place of small business in history and explore the strengths and weaknesses of small business. (Lo 1.1).

3.       Describe the importance of creativity and innovation which are the integral parts of entrepreneurship.(Lo 1.1).

4.       Evaluate the potential of different forms of ownership as a growth strategy. (Lo 2.2 & 2.10).

5.       Evaluate an existing business that is for sale by gathering data scientifically and exercise critical thinking to analyze and synthesize information.(Lo 2.6 & 2.7).

6.       Demonstrate ability to think independently and systematically on developing a viable business model (Lo 1.3 & 3.7).

7.       Utilize strong analytical skills and tools to formulate an effective Bootstrap Marketing Plan on which a small business can build a competitive edge in the market place.(Lo 1.8, 4.3 & 4.5).

8.       Deliver and communicate marketing massages in coherent and professional manner.(Lo 4.4).

9.       Design a solid projected financial Plan and conduct a breakeven analysis for a small company.(Lo 2.5).

10.   Demonstrate a thorough understanding regarding the importance of cash management for the success of a small business. (Lo 2.8).

11.   Explain the process of developing an effective management succession with an

understanding of risk management strategies. (Lo 1.6)

 Course Major Topics:

 1.        Entrepreneurs: The Driving Force Behind Small Business

2.        Creativity and Innovation: Keys to Entrepreneurial Success

3.        Choosing a Form of Ownership

4.        Franchising and the Entrepreneur


5.       Buying an Existing Business

6.       New Business Planning Process: Feasibility Analysis, Business Modelling, and Crafting a Winning Business Plan

7.       Building a Bootstrap Marketing Plan

8.       Creative Use of Advertising and Promotion, Pricing and Credit Strategies

9.       E-Commerce and Entrepreneurship

10.   Creating a Solid Financial Plan and Managing Cash Flow

11.   Sources of Equity and Debt Financing

12.   Legal and ethical Aspects of Small Business: Succession, Ethics, and Government Regulation

13.   Management Succession and Risk Management Strategies in the Family Business

 Learning Resources

 Scarborough, N.M. & Cornwall, J. (2015). Entrepreneurship and effective small business management (11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN: 9780133506327 (print); 9780133508239 (e-text).


 Course works (assignments, quizzes, projects, case studies, board discussion):             25%

Midterm exam                                                                                                                                25%

Final Exam                                                                                                                                      50%


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