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SEU Knowledge Management ( MGT403 )



College of Administrative & Financial










Course Name Course Code: MGT403
Credit Hours 3 Credit Hours Contact Hours 3
Language Arabic   English
College Req. Dep. Req. Concentration
Level Level 7 Prerequisite MGT 101
 Course Description:

 This course introduces student to understand the importance of knowledge for business and management. It presents key concepts and processes of knowledge management and demonstrates them on case studies to understand how knowledge could be maintained developed and shared among company personnel. Focus will be on models, processes and application of KM and its use to

create the competitive advantage.

 Course learning outcomes:

 1.        Demonstrate understanding of overall knowledge management concepts, goals and strategies within the context of organization (Lo 1.1).

2.        Explain issues pertaining to work with tacit knowledge & support its sharing. (Lo 1.2).

3.        Explain processes of knowledge management in companies (Lo 1.6).

4.        Implement knowledge management cycle processes in organization (Lo 2.2 & 2.5).


5.       Apply elements of core knowledge and learning organization principles (Lo 2.1).

6.       Identify and analyze challenges and issues pertaining to community of practice (Lo 2.7).

7.       Demonstrate ability to work with others effectively as a team member in knowledge management projects, related to case studies. (Lo 3.5 & 3.8).

8.       The capacity to write coherent project about actual knowledge management case studies (Lo 4.5).

 Course Major topics

 1.        Introduction to Knowledge Management

2.        The Knowledge Management Cycle

3.        Knowledge Management Models

4.        Knowledge Capture and Codification

5.        Knowledge Sharing and Communities of Practice

6.        Knowledge Application

7.        The Role of Organizational Culture

8.        Knowledge Management Tools

9.        Knowledge Management Strategy

10.     The Value of Knowledge Management

11.     Organizational Learning and Organizational Memory

12.     The KM Team and Resources

13.     Future Challenges for KM


 Learning Resources

 ·         Textbook

Kimiz Dalkir, Jay Liebowitz: Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice, The MIT Press; second edition edition (March 4, 2011). ISBN-13: 978-0262015080


 Course works (assignments, quizzes, projects, case studies, board discussion):             25%

Midterm exam                                                                                                                                25%

Final Exam                                                                                                                                      50%


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