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SEU Logistics Management ( MGT322 )



College of Administrative & Financial










Course Name Course Code: MGT322
Credit Hours 3 Credit Hours Contact Hours 3
Language Arabic   English
Track College Req. Dep. Req. Concentration
Level Level 6 Prerequisite MGT101
 Course Description:

 This course explores the transportation and logistics concepts within supply chains. Topics covered will include tools and techniques used in the design and operation of transportation and logistics systems and global issues in transportation and logistics management. In addition, Quick Response” scenarios used to handle transportation and logistics issues, in the event of

natural and non-natural disasters, will be explained.

 Course Learning Outcomes:

 1.        Demonstrate a deep understanding of the logistic function concepts and theories as well as supply chain management strategies.

2.        Demonstrate the ability to understand complex issues pertaining to supply chain integration and strategic supply chain partnership.


3.       Ability to explain and distinguish between the concepts of logistic system operations using logistic systems, time based management and lean thinking.

4.       Demonstrate an understanding of how global competitive environments are changing supply chain management and logistics practice.

5.       Apply essential elements of core logistic and supply chain management principles.

6.       Analyse and identify challenges and issues pertaining to logistical processes.

7.       Demonstrate ability to work with others effectively as a team member in logistic management projects, related to case studies or new themes.

8.       The capacity to write coherent project about actual logistic case studies.

 Course Major Topics:

 1.        Logistics and the supply chain

2.        Putting the end-customer first

3.        Value and logistics costs

4.        Managing logistics internationally

5.        Managing the lead-time frontier

6.        Supply chain planning and control

7.        The agile supply chain

8.        Integrating the supply chain

9.        Purchasing and supply relationships

10.     Logistics future challenges and opportunities

 Learning Resources

 ·         Textbook

Alan Harrison, Remko Van Hoek : Logistics Management and Strategy: Competing through the Supply Chain (4th Edition), Prentice Hall; 4 edition (January 28, 2011). ISBN-13: 978- 0273730224



 Course works (assignments, quizzes, projects, case studies, board discussion):             25%

Midterm exam                                                                                                                                25%

Final Exam                                                                                                                                      50%


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