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Top 30 Universities in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)


Are you looking to get admission in most top ranked universities of Saudi Arabia? Are you afraid of approaching suitable university? Just keep your grades and study with you! This article will help you find suitable and relevant university in Saudi Arabia according to your study background and interest. Below are 30 major top ranked universities, according to their world ranking and ranking in Saudi Arabia as well, from which you can select your own university.

1.      King Saud University

King Saud University was established in 1957 in one of the urban settings of Riyadh city, as one of the largest city in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The university is one of the higher-education institutions and a non-profit public education center as well. In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the rank of King Saud University is number 1 and at the world ranking forum the university is at number 109. Due to co-education system of King Saud University the student enrollment each year is range from 35000-39, 999. The number 1 rank of the university is just because of the fact that the university is offering multiple courses, diplomas, and degree programs including certificates, master degrees, and doctorate degrees as well. Beside the formal and informal education-based certificates and programs the university is more likely to invite international students and teachers due to which the university has been offering both academic and non-academic services and facilities to both students and teachers at the campus such as library, sports facility, housing facility, exchange programs, study abroad, scholarships online courses, administrative services, distance learning opportunity, and financial aid as well. Therefore, getting admission in King Saud University in various fields of study will be a wise decision to make the career future bright, in terms of educational outlook.

2.      King Abdul-Aziz University

In 1967, in Jeddah, Makkah, the King Abdul-Aziz University was established as one of the non-profit public educational institutions. In Rabegh, there is also another campus of King Abdul-Aziz University. KAU is at the second rank in Saudi Arabia and at number 360, at the world ranking. The university offer co-education system and almost 45, 000 students can get admission in the university. Past academic and non-academic certificates and grades along with pre-entry test are part of the entry policy of the university due to which it would not be wrong to claim that the university has selective admission policy. Almost 20-30% admission rate makes the admission policy of the university selective due to which it becomes difficult to get admission in the university. The university is offering multiple courses, diplomas, and degree programs including certificates, master degrees, and doctorate degrees as well. Currently, since past few years, the university has also been successfully offering online learning programs which has created or added value to the overall image of the university, especially when it comes about having international students both online and with their physical appearance in the university. Therefore, getting admission in King Abdul-Aziz University is one of the best options for students especially with high grades in both academic tenure and in entry test of the university.  

3.      Umm Al-Qura University

Saudi Arabia is one of the wealthy nations of the world and due to waste wealth resources, a number of private investors have had their investments in the education sector. Umm Al-Qura University is one of the investment projects of Saudi Arabian investors. In this regard, it would not be wrong to claim that this university is also a non-profit higher education institution in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia so far, under the authority and supervision of Higher Education Commission. The university is located in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. At first, in 1949 the university was merely as a college of Sharia. Later, with the joining of several colleges and affiliated universities, the college gained the status of a reputed higher education-based institution. Under royal decree, in 1981, the college gained the status of a university, finally after that the university successfully gained the top 3rd rank in all over the Saudi Arabia. Religious study is the major focus of the university, in addition to other non-religious courses and programs. Therefore, students who are more likely to get link with the Islamic teachings should get enrolled themselves to Umm Al-Qura University as the only and best option to follow sharia-based teaching and learning process.

4.      King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

In the large town of Thuwal, Makkah, the King Abdullah University of Science and technology was established in 2009. The Ministry of Education of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has identified the university as one of the non-profit higher education institution. However, the university holds the co-education system at a very small level due to which almost 250-499 students can get admission, under the Uni-rank enrollment range of the university. In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the ranking of the university is number 4, but at the world ranking the university comes at 1284 number. The university has been offering higher-education-based programs and degrees both at bachelor as well as master and doctorate level programs. In the field of science and technology, the university has earned a great reputation due to which it has successfully earned the 4th number rank in all over the KSA. Beside the formal and informal education-based certificates and programs the university is more likely to invite international students and teachers due to which the university has been offering both academic and non-academic services and facilities to both students and teachers at the campus such as library, sports facility, housing facility, exchange programs, study abroad, scholarships online courses, administrative services, distance learning opportunity, and financial aid as well.

5.      King Faisal University

In the eastern province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in the urban background of Al-Ahsa, as one of the largest cities, King Faisal University is located and established in 1975. The university is private in nature and its uni-rank enrollment range of students is very large due to which nearly 25, 000- 29, 999 students can get admission under the range. The university is also offering co-education system like a non-profit public education center. This university also has a selective admission policy over which past grades and pre-entry examination marks are necessary to give admission to students. In the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the university comes at number 5 and at the world ranking of university, its number is 1475. However, the admission criteria is not strict and limited in nature at this university due to which the overall admission rate is 80-90%, making King Faisal University as least selective educational institution of Saudi Arabia. Multiple academic disciplines along with the opportunity to get online enrollment, especially for international students, make the university as one of the best options for both local and international students as well.

6.      King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals is located in the large city of Dhahran, Ash Sharqiyah, and established in 1963. The Ministry of Education of Saudi Arabia has long identified the university as one of the non-profit higher education institutions, especially for males only. Therefore, due to male-centered settings of the university the overall size of the university is medium with the uni-rank enrollment range of students from 8000 to 9, 999. In the field of petroleum and minerals, the university has gained a great reputation among all other universities of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The rank of King Fahd University is at number 6 in Saudi Arabia and at international ranking, the university is at number 1547. The university is offering both academic and non-academic services and facilities to both national and international students as well. However, for local students getting admission in the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals is the best option to support their future educational career.

7.      Qassim University

In the urban background of the large city of Qassim, Al-Qassim, in 2004, this university was established in 2004. There are also branches of Qassim University in other locations as well involving Buraydah, ar-Rass, Muznib, Unaizah, Badaya’a, Al Nabhanya, Al-Khabrah, and Uqlat Assgoor. Additionally, Qassim University is a large non-profit higher education institution and under the Ministry of Education of Saudi Arabia, the uni-rank enrollment range for students at Qassim University is 30, 000-34, 999, while offering co-education system. The rank of Qassim University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is 7, whereas at international university ranking it comes at number 1808. The university has been providing programs and courses leading to formally identified higher education-based degrees such as bachelor degree, master degree, and doctorate degree along with the facility of providing various diplomas and certificate. The admission rate at Qassim University is 40-50% making Qassim University as average institution. Last but not least, another advantage of getting admission in the Qassim University is linked with the fact that the university has been offering both academic and non-academic services and facilities to both students and teachers at the campus such as library, sports facility, housing facility, exchange programs, study abroad, scholarships online courses, administrative services, distance learning opportunity, and financial aid as well.

8.      King Khalid University

In 1998, in the urban background of the large city of Abha, Asir, King Khalid University was established as one of the non-profit public higher education institution. In fact, the university has also many campuses in other locations as well including Alnamas, Khamis Mushait, Bisha, and Mehayel as well. Ministry of Education of Saudi Arabia has officially identified KKU as a large university with its uni-rank enrollment range of more than 45, 000 students, while offering co-education as a higher education institution of Saudi Arabia. In addition, the ranking of KKU in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia is at number 8, whereas the world ranking of the university is 1946. The university is offering all level study programs involving bachelor, masters, and doctorate level degree programs and courses. Within the last 22 year, the university has successfully possessed strict and selective admission policy that is mainly depending upon the past grades along with the percentage of entrance examination. The university is also offering study programs to international students. Also, the admission rate range of King Khalid University is 70-80% due to which the university is selective institution. Therefore, getting admission at King Khalid University is one of the best options to select, while studying in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  

9.      Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University

Riyadh is one of the largest cities of the Saudi Arabia and in 1974; Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University was established in Riyadh city. There is also another branch campus of IMAMU in Riyadh. According to Ministry of Education of Saudi Arabia, the university is a very large non-profit public higher education institution with its uni-rank enrollment range of 40, 000-44, 999 students. The rank of IMAMU in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia is number 9, whereas at the international university ranking the number of IMAMU is 2248. The university is also offering co-education. However, one of the plus points of IMAMU is that it mainly offers degrees according to Islamic religious thoughts. Therefore, students who are more likely to study Islamic subjects have the best options to study at IMAMU, just because the university is officially attached with Islamic religion. Still, the university is offering bachelors, masters, and doctorate level degree programs to both local as well as international students as well. This university also has a selective admission policy due to which students are required to pass the entrance examination of IMAMU. The admission rate at IMAMU is 70-80% due to which the admission nature of the university is selective.

10. Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University

The university is located in the urban background of the large city of Dammam, eastern province. The university was established in 1975 as one of the non-profit public higher education institution. Also, the university has many campuses at other locations including Qatif, Jubail, and Hafer Al-batin as well. Ministry of education of Saudi Arabia has long identified the university as a large university with its uni-rank enrollment range of 20,000-24, 999 students. IAU is also offering co-education system, while offering all levels degree programs like pre-bachelor degrees certificates, diplomas, foundation and associate and other several areas of study leading higher level degree programs. Past grades and certificates along with the entrance examination is the basic criteria to get admission in the university due to which the university admission nature is also selective in nature. In addition, the admission rate range at IAU is 50-60%, showing the fact that the university is averagely selective higher education institution in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The ranking of IAU in Saudi Arabia is 10, whereas at international university ranking the number of IAU is 2321. The university has been offering both academic and non-academic services and facilities to both students and teachers at the campus such as library, sports facility, housing facility, exchange programs, study abroad, scholarships online courses, administrative services, distance learning opportunity, and financial aid as well.

11. Taibah University

The university is located in the urban background of city of Medina and the university was established in 2003. The Ministry of Education of Saudi Arabia has officially identified the university as a large university with its uni-rank enrollment range of 40, 000-44, 999 students. However, the university is strictly linked with the Islamic religion, while offering co-education for all levels of study at Taibah University. The rank of the university in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia is number 11, while at the international ranking system the number of Taibah University is 2478. The university has been offering many courses, especially linked with Islamic teachings, while other pre-bachelor and post-bachelor degree programs are also offered at Taibah University. The university also considers past grades and certificates as a basis to offer admission at the university along with the pre-entry aptitude test over which the overall admission criteria is based on. Moreover, the admission rate range at Taibah University is 30-40% due to which the admission nature of the university is very selective. The university is one of the best options to study as the university is offering both academic and non-academic services and facilities to both local as well as international students.

12. Taif University

In Saudi Arabia, wealth is one of the major reasons behind the constant growth and success of the people of Saudi Arabia, especially when it comes about developing education sector. In Saudi Arabia, in the urban settings of city of Taif, Makkah, Taif University is located and officially identified as one of the non-profit higher education institution. According to scaling of Ministry of Education of Saudi Arabia, Taif University is a very large university with its uni-rank enrollment range of 30, 000-34, 999 students. Moreover, the rank of the Taif University in Saudi Arabia is number 12, whereas at the international university ranking system it comes at number 2756. The university has been offering co-education under which several academic and non-academic services and facilities have been providing through the university. Study areas of the university involve arts and humanities, business and social sciences, language and cultural studies, medicine and health, science and technology, and engineering as well. Both local and international students are invited to get admission in the university in various study programs as mentioned above. Therefore, getting admission in the above mentioned study programs at Taif University is one of the best options to select when intended to study in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

13. Islamic University of Madinah

Islamic University of Madinah is also one of the universities affiliated with Islamic religion. The university is located in city of Madinah and categorized as one of the non-profit public higher education institution. In the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Ministry of Education has long identified the university as a medium-sized university established in 1961 with its uni-rank enrollment range of almost 6,000-6,999 students. The actual reason behind the medium size of the university is linked with the fact that the university only holds men and, therefore, no co-education system has been even provided at the Islamic University of Madinah. The rank of the university in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia is 13, whereas at the international university ranking the number of the university is 2807. Study areas of the university involve arts and humanities, business and social sciences, language and cultural studies, medicine and health, science and technology, and engineering as well. Both local and international students are invited to get admission in the university in various study programs as mentioned above. Even with the medium size, the university has been offering both academic and non-academic services and facilities to both students and teachers at the campus such as library, sports facility, housing facility, exchange programs, study abroad, scholarships online courses, administrative services, distance learning opportunity, and financial aid as well.

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