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SEU Management of Technology ( MGT325 )




College of Administrative & Financial Sciences






Course Name

Management of



Course Code:



Credit Hours 3 credit Hours Contact Hours 3
Language Arabic    English
Track College Req. Dep. Req. § Concentration
Level Levels 6,7,8 Prerequisite MGT101
 Course Description:

 This course provides in-depth coverage of the role of technology management in business organizations, with a focus on using technology management as a powerful tool to compete in an increasingly challenging global economy. Students will learn how companies control their internal functions to exploit new technologies and markets, how technologies are developed into products, and how products meet market demands.

The course will focus mainly on the role of technology managers in technology based businesses.

 Course learning outcomes:

 1.        Demonstrate the dynamics of technological innovation concepts in technology-intensive business enterprises.

2.        Demonstrate a solid understanding of the concepts and models for making strategies to face

challenges and improve the performance of technology based enterprises.


3.       Employ the skills for managing peoples and other complex issues in technology based organizations.

4.       Apply the knowledge of business concepts and skills- like concurrent engineering and matrix organization concepts in diverse contexts                   and business situations.

5.       Evaluate projects objectively by various methods, select best projects among possible alternatives and leads to problem solving.

6.       Ability to collect and synthesize data, facts and figures to evaluate risk for new product development and use of information technology as               a tactical resource.

7.       Demonstrate the ability of teamwork and sharing of duties and responsibilities.

 Course Major Topics:

 1.        Challenges of Managing in High-Technology.

2.        Managing in an e-Business World.

3.        Organizing the High-Technology Enterprise.

4.        Concurrent Engineering and Integrated Product Development.

5.        Managing People and Organizations.

6.        Managing Technology-Based Projects.

7.        Project Evaluation and Selection.

8.        Leading Technology Teams.

9.        Managing R&D and Innovation.

10.     Managing Environmental Quality.

11.     Managing Risks in High Technology.

12.     Developing New Business.

13.     Consulting in Technology Management.


 Learning Resources

 ·         Textbook

Hans J. Thamhain: Management of Technology : Managing Effectively in Technology-Intensive Organizations, Wiley; 2 edition (May 25, 2005)


 Course works (assignments, quizzes, projects, case studies, board discussion):                25%

Midterm exam                                                                                                                                   25%

Final Exam                                                                                                                                         50%

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